
Please note that in each class we encourage you to tune in and listen to the wisdom of your own body. You are always invited to take breaks, rest in child’s pose, and add or skip anything that serves your practice. We encourage the use of props and modifications are welcome. If you have questions about how to modify please feel free to ask your teacher before or after class. Remember, this is your practice so please move like you!


Sweet Santosha Flow

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Vinyasa (translates to “flowing with breath”) is a dynamic style of yoga which links asanas (physical postures) with inhales and exhales, creating a steady internal rhythm for the physical and energetic practice. Our Vinyasa Flow classes are designed to cultivate and build heat within the body through creative, intelligent sequences, which include sun salutations, standing and seated postures, back bending, arm balancing, and a strong focus on alignment and the power of breath awareness. In general, vinyasa classes tend to be more vigorous and incorporate a lot of movement. Our teachers do not follow a set template or sequence; rather each teacher brings to their class their own unique style. Classes have a variety of music and themes. We offer vinyasa flow classes at three different temperatures and encourage students to give each one a try: 

Non-Heated: Temperature in the room is approximately 70 degrees. 

Low Heat: Temperature in the room is between 75-80 degrees. 

Heated: Temperature in the room is set between 90-100 degrees. 


Heated Power Vinyasa

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The room will be heated to between 90-100 degrees for this dynamic, powerful vinyasa practice. This class is similar to our vinyasa flow class with additional focus on core work and strength building. Come ready to sweat! 


Restorative Yoga

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The temperature for this class is set at 70 degrees, creating a warm and inviting environment to rest and restore. This class is a great way to unwind and relax, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and stress free. Classes are held in a warm room (not hot) where you will be guided into asanas/postures sometimes using props such as blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps. Asanas are held for several minutes allowing deep connective tissues to undergo static stresses to be remodeled. You will be giving your body and mind time to relax for the rest of the day.


Restorative and Stretch

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(75 Min)

Using the principles of restorative practice,to unwind and relax, you will be guided to hold supported poses for 3-7 minutes to recover and renew energy and connective tissue. Also, stretching between poses to bring circulation and flexibility to the connective tissue and joints for healing and increasing range-of-motion and muscle tone.

This practice is for all levels for cultivating patience, calm and peace of mind, body & soul.


Yin Flow

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A Yin sequence of floor poses to enhance the meridian and organ systems with an alignment focused slow flow. As the body begins to warm and the blood begins to flow the muscles are ready to engage in a slightly more resistant stretch for a longer period of time. The pause allows for more focused breathing and more mindful concentration resulting in enhanced self- awareness. The room is warmed to around 70 degrees.


Vin to Yin

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The room is heated to a cozy 70 degrees for this practice. Class will begin with a gentle vinyasa flow sequence consisting of standing postures linked together by continuous breath and focused on alignment. Following the initial active, yang portion of class, the second half of class will focus on yin poses. Yin yoga is a slower paced class with long held passive poses doing wonders for joint health, flexibility, circulation, and mental focus.


Ashtanga Mix-Up

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The room will be heated between 75-80 degrees. This class is inspired by the Ashtanga yoga method and is comprised of surya namasakar A and B, the Ashatanga standing sequence, and poses from the first and second series, but does not follow the exact sequencing of traditional Ashtanga. This is a challenging practice with longer holds, a focus on breath and alignment. Even though it is a low heat class come ready to sweat, and to challenge yourself both physically and mentally. This class is acceptable for all levels of practitioners.


Renewable Yoga

Intended to help explore the full scope of a yoga practice, each class will include alignment, breathing, mindful movement, as well as passive and supportive poses. Perfect for those new to yoga or those working with injury, limited mobility, or who prefer a softer and gentler approach to yoga. Suitable for all levels of practitioners.


Heated and Non-Heated Yoga

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These classes move a bit slower than our vinyasa flow classes and focus on longer holds and anatomical alignment. There is no set template or sequence for our heated and non-yoga classes; each teacher brings a unique approach.


Happy Hour Heated Vinyasa

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($5 donation based class)

A great way to kick off your weekend and unwind the stress of your work week. This class follows our Heated Vinyasa format the only difference is that all proceeds of this donation based class go to the non-profit the studio is supporting this quarter.


Move to Unwind

This class is a blend of yoga, functional and somatic movements to explore the integration between anterior and posterior body chains (front and back body), essentially how your body moves through space and the linkage that happens in a fully integrated practice. Curious about what somatic movements are? Gentle movement patterns that shift your central nervous system to create new muscular habits. These movements are performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movement, rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. Basically retraining your brain away from habitual patterns of movement that may be creating issues with your body and your yoga practice. We will spend the first half of class moving and breaking down yoga poses and closed and open chain of movements. The last half of class will be a combo of restorative poses and yin inspired to relax and release and allow the body to process all of the movements in the class.