Welcome to sweet Santosha!

We are a community rooted yoga studio located in the beautiful town of Kingston, Washington. Santosha means “contentment” in sanskrit and we hope that your yoga journey brings more contentment into your life. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, our studio offers a range of classes, varying both in practice style and room temperature, with the goal of creating an inclusive space that provides something for everybody.

Mindful Movement

Theodore Roosevelt once wisely said, “comparison is the thief of joy.” So often we deny ourselves the authenticity of our own, unique experience by measuring it against someone else's. This is true in our lives and can come up on the yoga mat, too. Through mindful and authentic movement, we hope to encourage each student to let go of the compare-asana and embrace the uniqueness of your own experience. Pause. Tune in. Listen. Our bodies contain so much wisdom and it is our hope that through this practice, we can learn to listen to and trust our intuition, body wisdom, and internal guide. Through the mind, body, and breath practice, we learn to anchor ourselves more fully in the present. Our studio offers a range of classes, from vinyasa to restorative, each designed to facilitate a deeper connection to yourself and invite more contentment into your life.

Our Name

After a lot of thought and consideration we chose to re-name the studio Sweet Santosha.  It was important to us to keep part of the original name, to pay homage to the studio’s founder and the awesome community he built with Sweet Heat Yoga.. Incorporating “sweet” into our new name felt like a way to honor, build upon, and integrate the original studio as we evolve and build upon it. The word santosha means “contentment” in Sanskrit. It is the first of the niyamas. The yamas and niyamas are the first two of the eight limbs of the yogic path and form the yogi’s ethical principles and codes of conduct. It is our hope that this studio and community create a space through which each of us can explore our own unique journey towards a space of contentment.

Our story

Our Studio was started September of 2015. My name is Annie Humiston. I have lived in Kingston for 30 years. I have spent most of my time here working with plants and now I am the third steward of this lovely Yoga Shala. A Yoga Shala is a place of home; a place to practice, reflect, share, experience and grow. Come be a part of Our Community.
